Properties Prestige Management

We take your business to next level

With our 24/7 team available, and our strategic online booking techniques you will be sure to see the real potential of your property.

We strive to provide you with a professional analysis of the current market and to help form a personalized earning structure for your business with the correct location in the market. More importantly, gain revenue and boost annual income without extra costs.

We pride ourselves on 15 years of experience in Propety Management of 4 star hotels to private properties all located across America and Italy.

What services we provide to our customers business


Business Planning

We create your personal plan to upscale and boost your property to its max potential.


You will receive a personal entity through all portals which will place you at the top of the market in your area.


We provide knowledge and assistance on accountability and investment.


Through our business strategy you can see how our business can help your property maximize and change your life.


With our many years of experience we can lead you to make the best investment for new projects in your area.


You will receive services from our personal team and technicians for all possible requests.

Completed business cases

We’re experienced professionals

Otivm Hotel

hotel in rome

Trevi Palace

hotel in rome

Why choose us

We have successfully obtained yearly booking at 100% with our unique and one of a kind system. We have upscaled properties to be working at their full potential which include being fully booked and more than satisfied guests. Having experience and success in both upscale hotels as well as private properties proves that we have the knowledge to optimize your businesses ability to be top notch across the board.

Business Planning

Financial Advices

Investment Strategy

Business Security


Expert peoples

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Big experience

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Committed to quality

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Envato User

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Galini Samba
Envato User

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Let us help your business to move forward.


    USA office

    55 Gerad Lane,
    NY 11201, USA


    BD office

    Ta-134/A, Link
    Road, Gulshan-1


    Email us


    Call us

    (+088) 589-8745
    (+088) 222-9999